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Home Registrar's Office

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Dr. Joyce Minja

Welcome Message

The Department is headed by the Registrar and operates under the Deputy Rector- Academics, research and Consultancy. It comprises of Admissions, Examinations and Student Information Services units. The role of the Department is to coordinate academic matters at the Centre as follows.

·         Student sourcing, enrollment, admission and registration,

·         Curriculum design and implementation,

·         Formulation and administration of annual almanacs and prospectus,

·         Coordination and administration of Examinations for all programmes,

·         Certification, verification and Alumni collaboration

·         Implementation of the Centre’s Examinations and Admission Regulations and Guidelines and academic ceremonies and awards.

·         Custody of student records and general customer care.

The department is also tasked with overseeing students’ academic progression such as, Postponement, Resumption, Discontinuation, Absconding, and Termination of studies in the pursuit of their studies while ensuring proper, effective and streamlined coordination of statuses amongst students while transitioning from one to another. The Department regularly liaises with Regulators (NACTE, TCU, VETA, etc.) to ensure quality standards are upheld.

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