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Research, Consultancy and Publication
Department has the overall mandate to oversee all research, consultancy
and publication activities to ensure reputation of the Eastern Africa
Statistical Training Centre. Apart from the overall mandate, the
department provides advice on all matters related to research,
consultancy and publications; coordinate research, publications and consultancy
activities of the Centre; initiates and promotes policies, plans and programmes
that will promote research, publication and consultancy activities; oversees
the implementation of research and consultancy policies, plans and
programmes and ensures that they are consistent with the mission and
objectives of the Centre.
It also serves as the key link between the Centre,
Government and International community and coordinates effective marketing of
Centre's Human Resource capacity for research, publication and consultancy;
coordinates development of proposals for soliciting consultancy assignment and
coordinates dissemination of major research findings through seminars,
conferences, workshops, symposia and publications and makes them available to
interested parties