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Home Estate Unit

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Head of Department
Mr. Alais Makori

The Estate unit is under the department human resource and administration. The unit is mandated to oversee and coordinate all activities related to environmental and assets maintenance at the Centre as well as revenue collection through liquid-able assets of the Centre. The Estate unit is headed by the Estate Officer who reports directly to the head of human resource and administration department. Core functions of the Estate Unit includes;

·         Supervision of security matters of the Centre to ensure that assets and facilities of the Centre are safe all the time

·         Supervision of general cleanness in the Centre

·         To ensure that all assets and facilities are maintained and are in good order including cars, generators, buildings, roads and other supportive materials and facilities

·         To facilitate daily activities of the Centre by overseeing the use of Centre’s vehicles and furniture

·         Plan and advice on acquisition of required facilities of the Centre including furniture and buildings

·         Regulate movement of the movable assets

·         Advice the management on land use and investment plans

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